Malaysia Journal of Invention and Innovation <p><strong>Malaysia Journal of Invention and Innovation (MJII)</strong> is an international journal that provides leading edge research and findings focussing on theories, methods, invention, innovation, and applications in all fields especially in Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Informatics, Science, and related field of study. MJII is an Online journal and adopted Double-Blind Reviewed and it being published Bi-Monthly. Papers are selected based on strict peer review process to ensure the originality, novelty, and impact of publication to wider audience. Publishing your paper on MJII is very affordable and accessible to readers as we implemented the open-publication initiatives. MJII is run by the Academica Press Solutions for the scientific community. Moreover, the online publication process is fast thanks to the software system that runs the entire editorial procedure.</p> <p><strong>JOURNAL PARTICULARS</strong></p> <p><strong>Title:</strong> Malaysia Journal of Invention and Innovation</p> <p><strong>Frequency:</strong> Bimonthly (6 issue per year)</p> <p><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2976-2170</p> <p><strong>Journal DOI Prefix:</strong> TBA</p> <p><strong>Publisher:</strong> Academica Press Solutions, Batu 23, Kg Jias, 17000 Pasir Mas, Kelantan, MALAYSIA.</p> <p><strong>Chief Editor:</strong> Ts. Inv. Dr. Mohamad Rahimi Mohamad Rosman</p> <p><strong>Copyright:</strong> 2023 by the authors. Submitted for open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (</p> <p><strong>Starting Year:</strong> 2022</p> <p><strong>Subject:</strong> Social Science, Health Science, Science and Technology, Informatics, Information Management, Content Management, Records Management, Management, Business and Management, Accountancy, Policy Studies, Communication {focusing on elements of invention and innovation}.</p> <p><strong>Language:</strong> English</p> <p><strong>Publication Format:</strong> Online</p> <p><strong>Contact Numbers:</strong> +60 19989 1306</p> <p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]</p> <p><strong>Website:</strong></p> <p><strong>Address:</strong> Academica Press Solutions, Batu 23, Kg Jias, 17000 Pasir Mas, Kelantan, MALAYSIA</p> Academica Press Solutions en-US Malaysia Journal of Invention and Innovation 2976-2170 <p>The authors of MJII retain copyright to the content of the articles.</p> <p>The content is published under the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 </a>which allows content to be copied, adapted, displayed, distributed, republished, or otherwise re-used for any purpose, including for adaptation and commercial use provided the content is attributed without any restriction.</p> <p><strong>Authors Rights</strong></p> <p>The Journal grants you the following non-exclusive rights, subject to giving propoer acknowledgement to the original journal. The authors may:</p> <p>(i) to reprint or reproduce the contribution, in whole or in part, in any publication of your interest.</p> <p>(ii) to use material for teaching purposes; including availability of the matarial in academic course.</p> <p>(iii) to post a copy of the contribution on your personal or institutional web server, provided that the server is non-commercial and there are no charges for access, and</p> <p>(iv) to deposit a copy of the contribution in a non-commercial data repository maintained by an institution of which you are a member.</p> <p><strong>Author's Agreement</strong></p> <p>Author(s) guarantee the journal the following:</p> <p>(i) that the contribution is their original work;</p> <p>(ii) that it contains, no matter what, content that is defamatory or is otherwise unlawful or which invades rights of privacy or publicity or infringes any proprietary rights (including copyright);</p> <p>(iii) that the contribution has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part and that no agreement to publish is outstanding other than this agreement. Author(s) agree to be responsible and hold the journal, its editors, staff and affiliate organizations harmless against any claims arising from or related to the breach or inaccuracy of any of the guarantees listed above.</p> <p><strong>Disclaimer</strong></p> <p>The editorial team of the <strong>MJII</strong> and the publication team of <strong>Academica Press Solutions</strong> share no responsibility regarding the views and opinions expressed by the authors. </p> <p>The content published in MJII is Open Access and can be shared, adapted, reproduced, reprinted, after appropriate acknowledgment and giving due credit to the author(s) work.</p> e-PPPD: Sistem Pengurusan Pemarkahan Projek Disertasi Sarjana Sains Keselamatan Siber dan Pengurusan (SSKSP) <p>Sistem Pengurusan Pemarkahan Projek Disertasi Sarjana Sains Keselamatan Siber dan Pengurusan (SSKSP) merupakan satu sistem yang memudahkan penyelia dan penilai dalam proses pengiraan markah bagi Projek Disertasi. Sistem ini digunakan oleh penyelaras, penyelia dan penilai. Tujuan utama pembangunan sistem ini kerana penyelia dan penilai masih menggunakan pengiraan secara manual iaitu mengisi markah pada borang pemarkahan. Kaedah merekod markah secara manual melalui sistem pemfailan ini adalah kurang efektif dan tidak praktikal. Hal ini kerana ia menggunakan borang yang dicetak di atas kertas di mana penilai dan penyelia boleh melakukan kesilapan dari segi keciciran maklumat atau tersilap mengira markah pelajar. System ini dibangunkan berdasarkan model Rapid Application Development (RAD). Sistem ini membolehkan penyelia dan penilai melakukan proses penilaian markah secara sistematik di atas talian. Selain itu, penyelaras, penyelia dan penilai dapat menjana laporan pemarkahan pelajar menggunakan sistem ini untuk tujuan dokumentasi. Selain itu, laporan keseluruhan markah juga dapat dijanakan oleh sistem ini bagi tujuan pelaporan. Bagi perisian dan perkakasan, sistem ini menggunakan PHP, Notepad++ dan XAMPP untuk membina sistem ini. Selain itu, mySQL pula digunakan untuk menguruskan pangkalan data. Secara keseluruhannya, sistem ini berjaya mengikuti objektif dan menyelesaikan masalah berdasarkan ujian yang dijalankan.</p> Wahyuni Butong Zuraini Zainol Copyright (c) 2024 Zuraini Zainol, Wahyuni Butong 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 1 14 Development of MyCGPA for Early Predicting Students’ Academic Performance <p>One of the primary concerns in higher education is the early identification of underperforming students. To address this issue, the current study proposes the development of a system that would assist academic advisers and faculty management to identifying students at risk of low academic performance at an early stage. This system utilises a prediction model based on a dataset of academic and demographic data &nbsp;from the UPNM’s Computer Science students. The dataset contains information from 97 students and 21 characteristics. We developed a prediction model for Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) using the regression technique, focusing on three variables: 'activity', 'absence', and 'GPA'. The prototype model was used in the system development process. The study's findings are valuable for the institution (university), since they enable for the early identification of those who may struggle academically. Future enhancements include increasing the dataset and using more powerful algorithms to predict kids' academic achievement.</p> Muhammad Yazid Abdul Mutalib Zuraini Zainol Puteri Nor Ellyza Nohuddin Ummul Fahri Abdul Rauf Copyright (c) 2024 Associate Prof. Dr. Zuraini Zainol, Muhammad Yazid Abdul Mutalib, Dr. Puteri Nor Ellyza Nohuddin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ummul Fahri Abdul Rauf 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 15 25 MySPK: Sistem Personaliti Kerjaya Pelajar <p>Sistem Personaliti Kerjaya Pelajar (MySPK) merupakan satu alat ujian yang dapat mengukur tahap minat pelajar terhadap kerjaya. Alat ujian yang digunakan ialah Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK) di mana ia boleh menentukan laluan kerjaya yang sesuai untuk pelajar berdasarkan kesukaan, kecekapan dan pekerjaan yang mereka minati. Pembangunan Sistem MySPK bertujuan untuk membantu kaunselor UPNM menguruskan pangkalan data ujian IMK dengan lebih efisien. Sistem sedia ada masih menggunakan kertas dan ini telah menyebabkan kesukaran dalam menguruskan data ujian IMK. Model Prototaip digunakan untuk pembangunan Sistem MySPK secara atas talian. Seterusnya, bahasa pengaturcaraan utama yang digunakan ialah PHP, MySQL sebagai pengurusan pangkalan data, XAMPP sebagai pelayan web, dan aplikasi VS Code untuk pengekodan. Sistem MySPK mampu memudahkan proses penentuan minat kerjaya pelajar mengikut keutamaan dan personaliti mereka. Tambahan pula, peralihan daripada kaedah berasaskan kertas manual dapat mengurangkan kehilangan keputusan IMK pelajar. Platform dalam talian ini bukan sahaja memudahkan pelajar mengambil ujian IMK tanpa perlu mengunjungi pusat kaunseling malah dapat membantu kaunselor dalam menilai keserasian bidang pengajian pilihan pelajar dengan kerjaya yang diimpikan.</p> Nurul ‘Iffah Syakirah Nasruddin Zuraini Zainol Muhammad Yazid Abdul Mutalib Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul ‘Iffah Syakirah Nasruddin, Zuraini Zainol, Muhammad Yazid Abdul Mutalib 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 26 42 Pembangunan Sistem Penilaian Pemarkahan Projek Sarjana Muda <p>Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) merupakan kursus kajian ilmiah dalam skala kecil yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi pelajar dalam mempraktikkan pengetahuan teori, kemahiran serta pengalamannya yang telah mereka dapat sepanjang tempoh pengajian. Kaedah tradisional penilaian pemarkahan secara manual menyebabkan proses kemasukkan markah tidak efisien kerana ia memerlukan masa yang lama untuk mengurus dan membuat analisis markah pelajar. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, Sistem Penilaian Pemarkahan PSM dibangunkan bagi memudahkan tugas penilai, dan penyelia PSM untuk membuat penilaian pemarkahan PSM dengan lebih pantas, efisien dan boleh dipercayai (reliable). Selain itu, sistem ini dapat membantu urusan penyelaras untuk menjana markah pelajar tahun akhir secara automatik. Projek ini dibangunkan berdasarkan model Pembangunan Perisian Tangkas di mana pembaikan boleh dilakukan tanpa perlu menunggu projek siap sepenuhnya. Perisian digunakan untuk membangunkan sistem ini ialah Visual Studio Code dan XAMPP. Selain itu, phpMyAdmin digunakan untuk pangkalan data sistem. Berdasarkan ujian pengguna, sistem ini berjaya mencapai objektif serta menyelesaikan kaedah konvensional penilaian pemarkahan PSM.</p> Nur Fatihah Amaludin Zuraini Zainol Copyright (c) 2024 Zuraini Zainol, Nur Fatihah Amaludin 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 43 55 Sistem Pembahagian Pintar untuk Kumpulan Kuliah Pelajar (SmartAlSystem) <p>Sistem Pembahagian Pintar untuk Kumpulan Kuliah Pelajar (SmartAISystem) merupakan sistem berasaskan web yang dapat membuat proses pembahagian pelajar ke kumpulan mengikut kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Sistem ini merupakan satu penyelesaian untuk mengatasi masalah yang timbul daripada kaedah manual yang digunakan oleh Pusat Asasi Pertahanan (PAP) UPNM. Penggunaan kaedah manual untuk mengendalikan data mentah pelajar yang diterima daripada Unit Pusat Universiti (UPU) cenderung untuk menimbulkan masalah kesilapan manusia. Selain itu, proses pembahagian ini mengambil masa yang lebih lama dari tempoh jangkaan penyediaan yang sepatutnya. Pembahagian pelajar mengikut kumpulan kuliah secara manual yang digunapakai sebelum ini memerlukan tenaga kerja yang ramai bagi mengurangkan kesilapan. SmartAISystem dibangunkan berdasarkan model Rapid Application Development (RAD). Sistem ini membolehkan staf melakukan pembahagian kumpulan kuliah pelajar secara sistematik di atas talian. Bagi perisian dan perkakasan, SmartAISystem menggunakan HTML, CSS dan JavaScript untuk membangunkan SmartAISystem. Selain itu, MySQL digunakan sebagai pangkalan data untuk menyimpan data, dan PHP berfungsi sebagai perantara yang mengawal pergerakan data di antara pangkalan data dan laman web. Secara keseluruhannya, pembangunan SmartAISystem dapat menyelesaikan masalah sedia ada, dan meningkatkan keupayaan serta kecekapan staf dalam membuat pembahagian kumpulan pelajar secara sistematik.</p> Muhammad Dani Darwisy Azrol Zuraini Zainol Ummul Fahri Abdul Rauf Muhammad Ammar Mat Beyi Copyright (c) 2024 Zuraini Zainol 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 56 70 e-HappinessIndex: Sistem Pemantauan Indeks Kegembiraan Staf <p>Kebimbangan terhadap kesihatan mental di kalangan pekerja semakin meningkat di Malaysia. Statistik menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kes bunuh diri dan masalah kesihatan mental di kalangan pekerja, khususnya golongan pekerja berumur 27 hingga 44 tahun. Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) tidak terkecuali daripada isu ini, terutamanya dengan kebanyakan staf daripada generasi Y. Oleh itu, sistem e-HappinessIndex dibangunkan sebagai solusi untuk mengukur dan memantau kegembiraan serta kesejahteraan mental mereka. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk membentuk persekitaran kerja yang positif dengan memanfaatkan konsep Gross National Happiness (GNH). Melalui soalan-soalan yang merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti (a) &nbsp;persekitaran di tempat kerja, (b) persepsi terhadap majikan, (c) hubungan dalam organisasi, (d) kemudahan dan kebajikan, (e) pembangunan kerjaya dan pengiktirafan, dan (f) domain psikologi, sistem ini memberikan gambaran holistik terhadap kegembiraan staf. Pendekatan ini dapat membantu pihak pengurusan mengenal pasti masalah dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. Dengan menggunakan bahasa pengaturcaraan PHP dan pangkalan data MySQL, sistem ini membolehkan staf mengisi penilaian dan melihat hasil indeks kegembiraan mereka. Keputusan ini dapat membantu pihak pengurusan dalam membuat keputusan yang bermakna untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan staf. Kesimpulannya, sistem ini merupakan langkah proaktif untuk menjaga kesejahteraan mental pekerja di UPNM, dengan harapan dapat memberikan sumbangan positif terhadap pembinaan persekitaran kerja yang seimbang dan berdaya maju.</p> Nurhanim Hanani Mohammad Zuraini Zainol Ummul Fahri Abdul Rauf Copyright (c) 2024 Zuraini Zainol 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 71 85 Enhancement of Wound Healing Efficiency Using Fish Scale Gelatin Combined with Silk Sericin <p>Our project focused on creating a natural wound dressing by blending gelatin extracted from Nile tilapia fish scales with herbal extracts, particularly turmeric. The goal was to address issues like excessive bleeding and bacterial infections, especially those caused by drug-resistant strains like Staphylococcus aureus. By harnessing the healing power of curcumin, the key component in turmeric, known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, we developed a hydrogel that promotes faster healing while also preventing infections. To make the dressing, we extracted gelatin from the fish scales using a mild acid solution and incorporated calcium chloride to strengthen the structure of the hydrogel. This made the material more durable and practical for wound care. We tested its ability to fight bacteria, stop bleeding, and help wounds heal more quickly. Our results were promising. The hydrogel successfully stopped bleeding in a short time and promoted significant cell migration, which means it helps wounds heal faster. Additionally, it demonstrated strong antibacterial properties, effectively inhibiting the growth of S. aureus. Overall, this project highlights the potential of using natural and sustainable materials in medical applications. The combination of fish scale gelatin and herbal extracts created a multifunctional wound dressing that not only speeds up the healing process but also protects against.</p> Pornrapat Uchibori Pimpida Nangkam Pakaporn Sanchia Kanitkarn Petchkoh Tuntrirat Lizexin Hu Viwat Sutana Copyright (c) 2024 Pornrapat Uchibori, Pimpida Nangkam, Pakaporn Sanchia, Kanitkarn Petchkoh Tuntrirat, Lizexin Hu, Viwat Sutana 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 86 90 The study of using Tannin extracts from Indian almond leaves to produce acne patches from discarded silkworm cocoons <p>This research focuses on utilizing Tannin extract from Indian Almond leaves to develop acne patches made from discarded silkworm cocoons. The goal is to explore the antibacterial properties of Tannin in addressing acne and to create a natural, eco-friendly skincare product. The process began by extracting Tannin from the Indian Almond leaves, which were boiled in distilled water and then diluted to different concentrations (100%, 50%, 25%, and 12.5%). The antibacterial effectiveness was tested using the disc diffusion method under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. For comparison, antibiotics like Azithromycin, Roxithromycin, and Vancomycin were used as controls, while distilled water served as the negative control. The results indicated that the 100% Tannin extract had the highest antibacterial efficiency under anaerobic conditions, comparable to Vancomycin. Roxithromycin was the most effective in both oxygen conditions, but the Tannin extract, particularly at 100% concentration, showed promising results as well. In the next phase, discarded silk fibers were processed to extract Fibroin, which was used to create acne patches. Two types of patches were made: one with just Fibroin and the other with a 1:1 mix of Fibroin and Tannin extract. These patches were tested under the same oxygen conditions to assess their antibacterial properties, with Roxithromycin as the control. The results showed that the Fibroin-Tannin acne patch performed similarly to Roxithromycin in inhibiting acne-causing bacteria, demonstrating its potential as a natural alternative for acne treatment. In conclusion, the combination of Fibroin from discarded silkworm cocoons and Tannin extract from Indian Almond leaves can produce an effective, environmentally friendly acne treatment. This study not only highlights a sustainable approach to reducing waste from the silk and agricultural industries but also provides a viable option for natural skincare solutions that benefit both consumers and the environment.</p> Pimpichcha Uttarapong Natcha Theerapiboon Pikulrat Aramkajorndej Viwat Sutana Copyright (c) 2024 Pimpichcha Uttarapong, Natcha Theerapiboon, Pikulrat Aramkajorndej, Viwat Sutana 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 91 95 Clay sticks from the crude extract of Zingiber ottensii Valeton to inhibit the growth of Dermatophytes which are the cause of allergic rashes on the skin <p>Athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis), Body ringworm (Tinea corporis), Jock itch (Tinea cruris), etc. These are diseases accumulated from fungi occurring on the skin, these types of fungi are classified in a group called Dermatophytes. At present, there are numerous options for treatment such as doctor appointments or using anti-fungal agents such as Clotrimazole of which when used for an extended amount of time can cause many side effects to the area of skin applied on such as rashes, hives, blisters etc. To provide an alternative, the project organizers have decided to study Zingiber ottensii Valeton’s fungal inhibition properties via crude extracts, due to it being easily found in the local area of Chiang Mai province and are cheap. Clay sticks being a popular form of skin care due to its compact and easy to carry nature makes it a perfect fit to make as a product from the crude extracts of Zingiber ottensii Valeton. The study shows that the crude extract from Zingiber ottensii Valeton showed anti-fungal properties and were effective in inhibiting the growth of Dermatophytes but weren’t as effective as the standard drug Clotrimazole. With that being said, the crude extracts of Zingiber ottensii Valeton were still suitable to make as a clay stick product.</p> Anan Scraggs Ratchata Phromchaiwong Tawanart Kanchanarochana Nuttsinee Wongjiraheroun Copyright (c) 2024 Anan Scraggs, Ratchata Phromchaiwong, Tawanart Kanchanarochana, Nuttsinee Wongjiraheroun 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 96 99 A Conceptual Model of Perceived Risk-Based Maintenance Management for Public Schools <p>The declining condition of public-school facilities is a serious concern, as poor maintenance not only affects safety but also impacts the overall learning experience for students. Many current maintenance practices do not effectively address the challenges of ageing infrastructure, such as performance issues, budget constraints, safety risks, and operational disruptions. These challenges highlight the need for a better approach to maintenance management. This research presents a new model called the perceived risk-based maintenance management (PRBMM) model, which helps prioritize maintenance tasks based on the risks associated with school facilities. The authors identify four key factors—performance, financial, safety, and operational risks—that influence how these risks are perceived. By focusing on these factors, the model offers a clear framework for improving maintenance in public schools. Implementing the PRBMM model is expected to lead to safer school environments, better facility performance, and more sustainable infrastructure. Moreover, this model can be used in various educational institutions and adapted for other sectors facing similar challenges. This study aims to fill a need in current maintenance practices by providing a straightforward framework that improves facility management and safety. The PRBMM model offers a practical solution that can be applied across different sectors needing effective maintenance management.</p> Nurul Diyana Mohd Dahari Irwan Mohammad Ali Natasha Khalil Suriani Ngah Abdul Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Diyana Mohd Dahari, Irwan Mohammad Ali, Natasha Khalil, Suriani Ngah Abdul Wahab 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 100 104 Understanding Human-AI Interaction in Healthcare: The Mediating Role of Trust and Moderating Influence of Cognitive Load <p>The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is often hindered by a lack of trust among healthcare professionals, impacting the effectiveness of Human-AI interaction. This study examines how Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) influence trust in AI, with trust mediating the relationship between these constructs and Human-AI interaction in healthcare settings. Additionally, the researcher investigates the moderating role of Cognitive Load, positing that higher cognitive demands may weaken the positive effects of trust on Human-AI interaction. By surveying doctors, nurses, and medical technicians in Malaysia, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these dynamics. It is expected to find that increased PU and PEOU enhance trust, leading to improved Human-AI interaction, while Cognitive Load may diminish the strength of this relationship. Anticipated findings will underscore the importance of designing AI systems that are intuitive, beneficial, and mindful of cognitive demands to optimise healthcare outcomes and clinician support. This research holds significant commercialisation potential as healthcare organisations increasingly seek AI solutions that enhance trust and facilitate effective collaboration between humans and AI.</p> Isparan Shanthi Ai-Na Seow Jing-Jing Chang Copyright (c) 2024 Isparan Shanthi, Ai-Na Seow, Jing-Jing Chang 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 4 1 105 112